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CCS-2022 - 8. Jun. 2022

9th Carnival Conference Session

click on the poster for details


CCS-2020 - 19. Feb. 2020

8th Carnival Conference Session

click on the poster for details

download report (German)


CCS-2019 - 27. Feb. 2019

7th Carnival Conference Session

click on the poster for details

download report (German)


CCS-2018 - 07. Feb. 2018

6th Carnival Conference Session

click on the poster for details

download report (German)


CCS-2017 - 22. Feb. 2017

5th Carnival Conference Session

click on the poster for details

download report (German)


CCS-2016 - 03. Feb. 2016

4th Carnival Conference Session

click on the poster for details

download report (German)

[Since 2016 the CCS is hosted by the junior research groups at the department of chemistry]


CCS-2015 - 11. Feb. 2015

3rd Carnival Conference Session

click on the poster for details

[Hosted by the Catalysis Laboratory of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry.]



CCS-2014 - 26. Feb. 2014 

2nd Carnival Conference Session

Moran Feller (Rehovot, Israel): Unique Reactivity of  Phosphino Pyridine Pincer - Type Rhodium Complexes

[Hosted by the Catalysis Laboratory of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry.]


CCS-2012 - 14. Feb. 2012

1st Carnival Conference Session

Pedro Migowski da Silva (Porto Alegre, Brazil): Nanomaterials in Ionic Liquids

Miguel Angel Casado Lacabra (Zaragoza, Spain): Activation of N-H bonds in Ammonia.

[Hosted by the Catalysis Laboratory of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry.]